Create a Batch

Batches allow you to group and organize your orders in ways that best accommodate your specific workflow. The first step in batch shipping is to create a batch. Once created, you can add orders to the batch, assign the batch, and process the batch as needed. To learn more about batches and common uses for batches, review our Introduction to Batch Shipping.

There are three ways to create a batch in ShipStation:

  1. Click + Create a New Batch in the Orders tab sidebar.

    V3 Order tab left-hand sidebar, red box highlights the Create a New Batch
  2. Click Batch and choose Create New Batch in the Orders tab shipping sidebar.

    Orders tab, arrow points to Batch option above Shipping Sidebar
  3. Select multiple orders and click the Create Label button to create an ad hoc batch.

    Ad hoc batches do not have the same available actions as normal batches but are also recorded under Shipments > Batches.

    Ad Hoc Batches Automatically Split by Ship From Location

    When you create labels for multiple orders without creating a batch, ShipStation will automatically split the orders into batches by Ship From Location.

    If all orders share the same Ship From Location, they will all be in a single batch.

These options will create a batch folder of the orders, which is assigned a number. You can rename it to describe the orders in the batch.

Naming a Batch

For any batch creation scenario, ShipStation names the batch folder using a unique series of numbers. You have the option of renaming the batch folder.

To change the batch's name again, click in the name field to edit.

Add Shipments to a Batch

You can add orders to a batch from the Orders tab or the Order Details window.

Add From Orders Tab

Alternative method: Select the orders and click Batch in the Orders grid Shipping sidebar above the Configure Shipment Widget.

Orders tab, arrow points to Batch option above Shipping Sidebar

Then select which batch to add the order to from the Add To Batch pop-up.

Add to Batch popup. Lists Batch number or name, creation date, and count of orders in that batch. Create New Batch button @ bottom.

If you attempt to add an order to a batch and that order is already in a batch, ShipStation will display an alert to let you know and ask if you want to move the orders to the selected batch or exclude them from the batch.

Add From Order Details

In the case of orders with multiple shipments, all shipments will be added to the batch. If the order is already in a batch, ShipStation will display an alert to let you know and prompt you to either move the order or exclude it.

Once all orders are added to the batch, you are ready to begin working in your batch

View Batches in the Orders Tab

Add the Batch column to the Orders tab to identify orders assigned to batches quickly.